Is color printing even worth it?

Fort Collins, are you going to make the switch to color?

Color seems better, right? If you are looking to switch from black and white to color then you might want more evidence than that to base your decision. Xerox, thankfully, has done the work for you. Here are a few points of interest.

  • A newsletter or pamphlet has roughly 2.5 seconds before a decision is made on it. Color increases attention, professionalism, and chances of the advertising getting read.
  • Color increases the attention span, and the ability to recall information by 82%.
  • Telephone listings in color have been proven to increase response by 44%. (They compete with black and white mostly though)
  • Color reduces errors by 80%. This is good to know internally because errors in the office cost money.
  • Color helps to sell 80% more… talk about power!
  • Color has been shown to increase brand recognition by 80%. If you are competing directly with businesses then you may use color to set yourself apart.

Color is good for some, not for others. If you think that some of these points would be val

