Looking for a used copier?

Used copiers

We have a great selection of used copiers here in Fort Collins. If you are just getting started and you need to get into a copier that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg this might be the solution that you’ve been looking for. We have worked with a lot of businesses that bought a used copier to get started rather than a new one.

We have used Lexmark copiers, used HP copiers, used Xerox copiers, and used HP copiers available in the Fort Collins area. Before any of our copiers are sent out we have a technician perform a full inspection to be sure it’s in excellent condition. We also have a thirty day onsite warranty that comes standard on all copiers.

Just because the lease is up doesn’t mean the machine isn’t any good. Many times there is a lot of life left in these copiers, and if you are budget minded or otherwise thinking creatively about your copy situation this could be the answer to your problem.

If you would like to hear an expert opinion on your particular situation and you are in the Fort Collins area we would be more than happy to hear from you.
